Heal Your Body With Nature's Electrons

What is Grounding?
"Earthing" or "grounding" is like plugging into the Earth's natural energy. It's the practise of connecting physically with the Earth, often by walking barefoot on grass or soil.
Earthing lets us tap into the Earth's mild negative charge to top up on energy and rebalance our body’s systems, which are by nature bioelectrical.
Our modern lifestyles insulate us from this energizing ground force. Imagine it like recharging your life's battery. Read on for benefits of earthing...
Grounding indoors with a Grounding Sheet
The Grounding Bedsheet transfers the Earth's electrons into your bed through the grounding cable in your wall. This allows you to receive the nurturing benefits of grounding during the comfort of your night's sleep.
This connection immediately neutralizes the impact of dirty electricity on your body's cells, promoting a deeply refreshing sleep. As you rest, your body's healing and regenerative processes operate at their peak, helping maintain optimal electrical balance and overall well-being.

Ground Safely! Our Built-In Resistor Protects You
Our grounding sheets come with a special cord that has a built-in98k ohm resistorfor your safety. Think of the resistor as a barrier that slows down the flow of electricity, making sure that only safe and gentle energy from the Earth reaches you. If there ever were an electrical surge or issue with the outlet, the resistor acts like a shield, protecting you from harm. This way, you can relax and enjoy the benefits of grounding without any worry!

Grounding Is Great For Pets!
Grounding isn’t just for humans—pets can benefit too! By connecting to the Earth’s natural energy, grounding helps pets feel calmer, reduces anxiety, and may even support faster healing and reduced inflammation. Whether they’re lounging on a grounding mat or cuddling with you on a grounded sheet, your furry friends can enjoy better rest, improved mood, and overall wellness. Grounding is a simple way to keep your pets feeling their best!

What the Science Says About Grounding
96% of participants report feeling significant more relaxed while using the Mat
93% of participants recorded a significant reduction in inflammation documented with infrared imaging in a 2015 study by Oschman, Brown & Chevalier
100% of participants recorded a significant improvement in blood viscocity and reduction in blood clumping after 10 minutes of grounding, in a 2015 study by Oschman, Brown & Chevalier
Based on Peer Reviewed Scientific Studies. Updated to 2024.